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At Van Oordt, sustainability is of paramount importance. That is why we continuously search for sustainable alternatives for existing solutions, such as sustainable packaging, or just raw materials that fall under this heading. We set high standards for our product quality and process efficiency in order to better meet our customers' demands.


Our packaging is made with a lot of time and attention to both design and production. We consciously choose to package products per portion for a number ofdifferent reasons: hygiene, efficiency, convenience, communication and perception. An important part of this is sustainability. Food waste must be reduced and we do this by packaging all products with high-quality materials. This way, we guarantee the shelf life of the products and there is less wastage. Also, small portions are consumed faster than large packs which therefore have to be thrown away when spoiled. For us, it is especially important to continuously develop our items. 

Duurzame verpakkingen | Van Oordt

Single Use Plastic (SUP)  

Plastic waste has a major negative impact on the global environment and our health. In 2019, the European Parliament adopted the Single-Use Plastic (SUP) directive EU2019/904 with the aim of reducing plastic litter. Organisations that produce plastic disposables will be affected by this measure. So too does Van Oordt. As it is still unclear to many what this means for their company and how they can prepare for it, we try to give the best possible picture of these measures. We have collected all the information surrounding the SUP legislation in a white paper. You can download it for free here:

Download our whitepaper

Plastic Soup | Van Oordt

Waste management levy 

Do you bring more than 50,000 kilos of packaging onto the Dutch market each year? Or do you dispose of more than 50,000 kilos of packaging after importing goods each year? Then you must pay an annual packaging waste management contribution to the Dutch Packaging Waste Fund (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen). This also applies if you have a business abroad and sell directly (online) to Dutch consumers.

The amount of the contribution depends on the material and type of packaging (sales, collection or dispatch packaging). For packaging you can use more often, you only pay a contribution once. In the packaging catalogue of the Waste Fund, you can look up whether you have to pay a contribution for your product. Click on the link to go to Ondernemersplein, where you can find more information on this subject.


Duurzame wereld | Van Oordt

Raw materials

Sustainability is also a theme in the procurement of our raw materials. So we also take a critical look at the raw materials we use for our products. Partly thanks to this, the organisation holds quality marks such as IFS higher level, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade Netherlands. In addition, Van Oordt is a distributor of organically certified products. All these certificates contribute to our sustainable approach. For more information, see certifications.

Certifications Van Oordt

Raw Materials | Van Oordt

Route to a sustainable world 

When it comes to sustainability, Van Oordt has made great strides, but 'always brining a little extra' means that we continue to strive for improvement. To this end, several sustainability goals have been drawn up:

20% packaging waste reduction by 2025
100% recyclable packaging by 2030
50% CO2 reduction by 2030
Fully circular by 2050 

Van Oordt wants to make all packaging fully recyclable and aims to consume less plastic and use less plastic in packaging. 

Route duurzame wereld | Van Oordt